About you
Consolidating debt over a longer term may increase the total amount you repay. Find useful information about debt consolidation here. Please note: Where you are seeking to pay off items of credit, we will pay other lenders directly from the loan funds.
This seems a little lower than we'd expect, have you entered it correctly? Please include all income including earned income, benefits and pension.
This seems a little higher than we'd expect, have you entered it correctly?
Please provide residential history for at least the last two years
We can't find that postcode please check or click “Address not listed” to enter manually.
If your address is not on the list click "Address not listed" and enter your details.
If you have more addresses to add, one of our team will take them when they call to discuss your application.
By clicking 'Submit' you confirm that you agree to Norwich Trust Limited's Privacy Policy, Website Terms of Use and Cookie Policy.
To progress your loan we may contact you via telephone, text message, email and/or post.
To generate your quote, we will conduct a "soft" credit search against you using Equifax. This will not show on your credit file to other lenders. A "hard" search will only be conducted against you if the loan pays out. This search may then be visible to other lenders.
To help prevent fraud, the personal information we have collected from you will be shared with fraud prevention agencies. This is used to prevent money laundering and fraud, as well as to help verify your identity. If fraud is detected, you could be refused certain services, finance or employment. To learn more about this, see our fraud prevention page and our privacy policy.
I understand that by submitting my application, Norwich Trust Limited will conduct the above searches
I understand that if my loan is for debt consolidation, Norwich Trust will pay off my other debts directly from the loan funds
I consent to Norwich Trust Limited emailing me my loan documents to the email address I have provided